Except for a few confused phone calls we get, most people know BERRY FARMS is not a farm. In the not-to-far-away future, residents of Berry Farms will have the opportunity to participate in a community garden area where they can grow their own herbs and veggies, but for now, everyone in the South Franklin area can enjoy the BERRY FARMS FARMERS MARKET.
Beginning today, Tuesday, May 16th the Berry Farms Farmers Market will begin its third year of operation in the Hughes Crossing area – down near the lake by Tito’s and Berry Farms Wine & Spirits. Hours are 4:00 – 7:00 and runs every Tuesday through October 10th. Tomorrow is the kick off for the season, and next Tuesday, May 23rd is the Strawberry Festival.
Kasi Haire is the market manager and filled us in on what to expect this year at the expanded event. “This year we have a FANTASTIC selection of vendors and a wider range of produce offerings, more meat selections, cheese, baked goods, fresh bread, handmade soap, crafts, milk, sweets, healthy ready-made meals, local honey, granola and more! Over 30 vendors are scheduled!”
Everything at the market is handmade or homegrown. Kasi personally visits the farms, not only to check to make sure everything they sell they do in fact grow, but to also help create a story and a connection to their customers. “Not everything at the market is Certified Organic, but we will have Certified Organic Produce, along with naturally grown product. Not all farmers have the money or means to get certified, but most follow the regulations of the organic process. The most important thing is to talk to your farmer! Farmers Markets have gained in popularity recently because of that – you can ask them yourself!”
New to the Farmers Market? Kasi suggests bringing your own reusable shopping bags or stop by the information booth to pick up a grocery tote. Most vendors have the ability to accept debit/credit cards but for the ones who don’t – if you forget cash – the Market Information Booth has the ability to run your card and issue gift cards to be used at all the vendors. She also recommends signing up to receive weekly emails that lists each week’s vendors, any new produce coming into season, recipe suggestions, event updates and more. Email Kasi to sign up at berryfarmsfm@gmail.com.
Kasi comes to our market with a lot of experience. “My husband and I, along with a few friends, started the Nolensville Farmers Market back in 2014. My husband was a part of the original Board of Directors and they asked me to step in to act as Market Manager. I have a degree in Event Planning and had a history of volunteer work for non-profit events such as the Veteran’s Day Celebration in Nolensville and the Legacy Ball for Davis House here in Franklin. Managing Farmers Markets is a lot of fun! I love supporting small businesses, farmers, and local artisans. The Berry Farms Farmers Market is special because it is such a fun, vital part of the “Work, Live, Play” lifestyle of the Berry Farms community. Walk from your home or your office, and pick up farm fresh goods, homemade treats, all natural soaps and more.”
The Berry Farms Farmers Market is a RAIN OR SHINE EVENT. We only cancel if there is continued lightning or a tornado in the area. To stay up to date on delays or cancellations, follow the market Facebook Page at www.facebook.com/berryfarmsfm. Interested in becoming a vendor? Stop by the Info booth or email Kasi at berryfarmsfm@gmail.com.
See you at the farm! The BERRY FARMS FARMERS MARKET, that is!
Lisa Gregory, May 15th, 2017